
Certificate in Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Supplements

Course Code


Course Objectives

This course is designed to provide students with knowledge of applied nutrition and nutritional supplements. Participants will learn to assess dietary needs, understand the functions of various nutrients, and analyze the safety and effectiveness of different supplements in promoting health.

Course Content

Basic Theory of Nutrition (Lesson 1-2): Functions and effects of nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Application of nutritional supplements (Lesson 3-4): Classification, functions and usage of various nutritional supplements. Nutritional Assessment Methods (Lesson 5): How to assess personal nutritional status and formulate an appropriate nutritional plan. Case Analysis and Application (Lesson 6): Through case analysis, understand the application of nutritional supplements in different groups of people. "

Admission Requirements

For those interested in the course

Training Period

Each session 2 Hours19:00-21:00

Tuition Fee



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