
ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Basic Theory Certificate Course (Half-Day)

Course Code


Course Objectives

This course introduces the basic principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Participants will learn how to use ACT techniques to help clients accept difficult emotions and commit to values-aligned actions.

Course Content

The basic theory and six core processes of ACT (Section 1): Introduce the basic concepts and six core processes of ACT, including acceptance, focus, cognitive detachment, values ​​clarification and action commitment. Participants will learn how to help individual cases Resolve difficult emotions and refocus on meaningful actions. Acceptance and Mindfulness Practice (Section 2): Explore the application of acceptance in ACT and learn how to use mindfulness practice to help patients improve their awareness of the present moment and reduce overreaction to negative emotions. Values ​​Exploration and Action Plan (Section 3): Learn how to guide the client to clarify his or her life values ​​and develop an action plan that is consistent with long-term goals based on the values. Simulation exercises are conducted in class to strengthen students' mastery of ACT skills. Case Analysis and Application (Section 4): Through real case analysis, learn how to apply ACT technology in the counseling process of different psychological problems. Participants will conduct simulations and share their learning experiences and reflections in class.

Admission Requirements

For those interested in the course

Training Period

Each session 3 Hours 09:00-13:00 14:00-17:00/ 19:00-22:0

Tuition Fee



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