
Pet Massage Experience Class

Course Code

Course Objectives

This workshop provides hands-on experience in pet massage techniques to help promote relaxation and enhance the relationship between owners and pets. Attendees will learn how to safely massage pets to improve their physical health.

Course Content

"Basic Theory and Benefits of Pet Massage (1 hour before Section 1): Introduce the basic principles of pet massage and its benefits to pets' physical and mental health, including how to relieve tension, improve blood circulation and promote muscle relaxation through massage. Practice of basic massage techniques (3 hours after session 1): Learn massage techniques for different body parts, such as relaxation techniques for the back, neck and limbs. Under the guidance of instructors, students will personally perform basic massage operations on dogs or cats and experience how to enhance the relationship with pets through touch. Advanced Massage Techniques and Personalization (2 hours before Session 2): Learn how to adjust your massage to your pet’s size, age and health, and master advanced soothing techniques such as compression for joint pain and full-body relaxation massage . Practice and feedback exchange (2 hours after Section 2): Students will perform more practical operations, and the instructor will provide immediate feedback and suggestions to help students improve their skills. Before the end of the class, we exchanged experiences and shared the effects of massage on pets and learning experiences. "

Admission Requirements

For those interested in the course

Training Period

Each session 4 Hours 09:00-18:00

Tuition Fee



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